

Our “Free Pedagogy” workshops are directed to teachers and/or parents interested in knowing themselves more, and knowing in a deeper way how the psychological, emotional and physical aspects of the child works.

These workshops are also for children. We combine art, play exercises, dancing and meditation to create a loving context where the child learns to unwind naturally to show adults their real needs, which are often not allowed to be expressed at home or at school.

When children cannot express themselves fully, they begin to repress their feelings and create within themselves a shell that will hurt them all their life.


This workshop is a deep space of connection and a sign that it is possible to open ourselves up to new ways of teaching, where the first step is to start to relax as adults, and to understand that the child should be educated according to his/her own interests, not those of society’s or by discipline, based on the foundation that every human being is good. This will allow a more human, spontaneous, free and profound pedagogy find its way inside classrooms.


“El Grito Esencial” es un viaje psico-corporal que intenta reestablecer la energía vital dañada por la energía inconsciente que absorbemos desde la gestación y a lo largo de toda la infancia.  A veces por estar desinformados y otras veces por estar demasiado informados con datos proporcionados por los medios y sus intereses creados, en la […]