Together in love and awareness for our Mother Earth
We dream of a world inhabited by men and women more aware of their inner world and a future with trees, rivers, and oceans of clean water for our children.
The history
Hello! I am Anan and I want to share with you a bit of why I do this ecological, educational and social work.
I come from a very poor family; during periods of my childhood I went through a lot of hunger and cold but, despite all this, never since I was little have I felt poor. When I awoke to my inner world, I began to travel throughout Latin America sharing my inner discoveries, and as part of that trip I approached many poor communities with drug problems, violence, and food shortages but, above all, a great lack of emotional nutrition, especially in the cities’ slums.


Sustainable ecological bathrooms
We built a set of dry ecological toilets that instead of water use straw and dry leaves, transforming human shit into very good quality compost for our fruit and ornamental trees. We transform the urine into biofertilizer and with the rain catchment roofs, we save 20 thousand liters of rainwater for the dry season.
Likewise, the water that we use from the rain for the sinks goes through a grease trap and a biofilter before being integrated into the soil to irrigate the ornamental trees.
We can live in a different way, it’s time to stop contaminating the water with our shit, literally; we are making a big mistake by polluting the fresh water so scarce on our planet.
We advise family, rural and urban projects on how to build an ecological bathroom.

Ecological and sustainable little cabin
Renders of the ecological and sustainable little cabin that we designed for our friends at Granja Pakapi, in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
Thermal roof of wood, mud and tile, rainwater harvesting, treatment and recycling of gray water, all built of adobe with ecological dry toilets, water heating with solar boiler, cross ventilation and located according to the sun so it doesn’t need neither heating nor air conditioning.

We continue to create yearly reforestation campaigns in rural areas of different Latin American countries.

We continue to create yearly reforestation campaigns in rural areas of different Latin American countries.

We donated a new generation Samsung printer to the rural school in the community of “La Barranca”.

We continue to create yearly reforestation campaigns in rural areas of different Latin American countries.

We continue to create yearly reforestation campaigns in rural areas of different Latin American countries.
2016 -2017

We convened and brought in the best dentists from various cities to give dental treatment to children and adults from the communities of “La Barranca” and “Las Moras” in the “For a healthy Smile” campaign.

We continue to create yearly reforestation campaigns in rural areas of different Latin American countries.

Seeds of Light
With the support of CONAFE and personal funds, we founded the “Semillas de Luz (Seeds of Light)” Middle School, which benefited more than 80 children from rural communities from 2015 to 2018, the year in which the government stopped supporting us with the excuse of not having enough funds for rural education.
During its duration, the students of the “Seeds of Light” Rural Middle School received agriculture and art classes as a complement to their study plan.

Three Wise Men
We brought the Three Wise Men to the surrounding communities, brightening the lives of more than 80 children.

Xmas gifts
We delivered more than 130 Christmas gifts to all the children in the surrounding communities.

Environmental education
We created a link with the ITESO University to direct the Community Territorial Ordinance project with which the farmers of the region are taught about organic gardening, waste management, environmental education, reforestation, among others.

Little Mobile School
As part of our educational-motivational plan, we created the “Little Mobile School”, which took children from rural communities of Jalisco on field trips to enrich their cultural knowledge.

Every 3 months we create art contests for middle school children, awarding computers, supplies, clothes, among other prizes to the winners.

Summer courses
We give summer courses for teenagers from prestigious schools in Mexico so that they come and learn to interact with farmer communities as well as to learn how the land is cultivated and where the food we consume comes from.

Nogal Waterfall
We managed to protect the highest waterfall in Jalisco, which has a unique ecosystem and where the Municipality wanted to build a municipal garbage dump and throw out 30 tons of garbage a day.

Infant education
Every summer, we hire different teachers (art, music, English, theater) to give summer courses to rural children from pre to middle school level.

Deep well
We led the construction of a deep well that supplies drinking water to 70 peasant families who didn’t have water.

We continue to create yearly reforestation campaigns in rural areas of different Latin American countries.