Anan Nodedt
He was born on October 2nd, 1977 in a small coastal town called Solymar, 20 kilometers from Montevideo, Uruguay. Being his father a bricklayer and his mother a housekeeper, Anan grew up in a humble environment where the basic needs were barely managed to be covered. From a very young age, he enjoyed accompanying his father to the building sites where he began to take a deep interest and charm for construction. During his years in elementary and middle school, Anan stood out as one of the best students in his class; however, around the age of 11, his parent’s divorce led him to make the decision to move to the streets. After a year of being cold and hungry, some people decided to welcome him into their home. Nevertheless, his life situation led him to expose himself to a drug and alcohol environment. Despite all this, he continued studying and participating in construction projects which, at the age of 16, led him to start his own company “Adonai Services” and soon after, to begin a degree in architecture. Despite being a functional person, little by little emptiness and nonsense began appropriating his life.
At the age of 20, while immersed in a deep depression and a very serious drug addiction, he had a very profound experience that he called “my spiritual awakening”, which changed his life 180 degrees and led him to abandon his architecture career and to devote himself to his inner growth.
This is how he began to search for people with the wisdom that would help him understand more about the change that had occurred in him. Soon, he left everything in Uruguay and began to travel through Argentina as a musician.
In Chile, he lived in Santiago in the “Michoacán” house at “Los Guindos” neighborhood, where Pablo Neruda lived with Delia del Carril. There, he directed the reconstruction process of the theater that was in that house and which nowadays is the Museum of the Communist Party in Chile. During his stay in this country, he had an approach to the Mapuche culture.

In Bolivia and Peru, he lived for long periods in silence both in the mountains and in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest with shamans and indigenous people of wisdom, such as Don Mateo Italiano (Machiwenga culture), Luis Espinoza and Doña Adelia (Quechua culture), Doña Filipa and María Apaza (Quero culture), and the Calaguayas, indigenous Aymara people from the area of Lake Titicaca, itinerant healers who travel curing others.
From all of them he learned ancestral forms of healing within the different indigenous Cosmo-visions of each region. He traveled through Colombia sharing healing workshops and directing the construction of the eco-village “Planeta de Luz”, located in Cartagena.
Then he started an investigation on black culture and returned to Uruguay to make the documentary film “Kandogue”, which won several awards at film festivals.

He traveled all over Brazil investigating Afro-Brazilian culture, and for a time he lived in Salvador, Bahia, in a terreiro or temple of Afro-Brazilian religion, learning about their worldview and guided by the Mae de Santo Mofo-Justa. In San Luis de Marañón he made a documentary film called “Tambor de Criola”, which became part of the cultural education in elementary and middle schools of the State.
Shortly after, he traveled to Mexico where he learned about the different types of shamanism in that country with Julieta Pineda (Zapotec shamanism with sacred mushrooms), Pablo Teizán and Don Bonifacio (Huichol shamanism) and with Víctor Charles, with whom he learned about the Temazcalli and its sacred rituals. On the bio-architecture side, he led the construction of naturist clinics, yoga centers and homes throughout Mexico. In this country, he took courses in naturopathic medicine and iridology with Dr. Josué Alcaraz, and the foundations of Chinese acupuncture, with Dr. Francia González.
Soon after, he began his training in agroecology and permaculture, participating in courses and workshops with Raúl Medina, Jairo Restrepo, Ricardo Romero and Nacho Simón, among others.
In his travels through all these countries, he met the work of Master Osho, and participated in meditation and different therapeutic techniques and trainings with renowned international therapists such as Premartha and Svarup (training in primal therapy and tantra), with Devageet (training in dialogue with the dreams), Kelly Satz (training in dance of the five rhythms), and Chandrakala (Satori). As a result of having learnt all these tools, he managed to adapt the knowledge of ancestral cultures to transpersonal psychology, fusing shamanism, dance, art and Osho’s dynamic meditations, creating a unique style of inner spiritual work and integration.

Since he began his journeys through South America, he has shared more than 1500 conferences and workshops throughout Latin America and Europe addressing topics such as drug addiction, sexuality, meditation, pedagogy, healing, bio-architecture and agroecology.

Since 2013, he started traveling with his life partner Leiza Lau; thus, creating their new project, Leiza-Anan. Leiza’s love and Anan’s meditation make their inner growth retreats and workshops a celebration for the soul and consciousness. Since then, they travel all over the world learning new tools, sharing their experience of inner growth, and leading groups to mystical journeys to Machu Picchu, Thailand, Mayan Route Mexico, Iguazu Falls, among others.

In May 2016, Anan received the transmission from Wadud (Prasad) of the group “Men’s Liberation” created by Osho, an exclusive process for men.
That year, together with Prasad, they agreed to change the group’s name to “Clan del Sol” to be guided in Spanish-speaking countries. Today, Anan continues this lineage preserving the main instructions that Osho gave for this group and which he shares in several countries of Latin America and Europe.
Today, his inner journey is devoted to the investigation and experimentation of three important pillars: Transpersonal Psychology, Bio-architecture and Agroecology. He is the creator and facilitator of the internal development process “The Path of the Inner Warrior”, a profound experiential retreat designed to solve, understand and integrate into consciousness the different stages of human life including childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and death.
Currently, together with Leiza Lau, he guides this process in seven countries of Latin America
In Mexico he founded and directed the construction of the project “Kaypacha Farm”, a place where bioconstruction, art, meditation, and agroecology merge, creating a conscious lifestyle.
He created and directed for five years the Foundation “Salto del Nogal AC”, project aimed at helping 90 families of farmers in the mountains of Jalisco by creating schools to teach organic agriculture, reforesting, supporting the health of many families, and creating environmental awareness.
In 2019 he finished his first book in Spanish “El Sendero del Guerrero Interior” (The Path of the Inner Warrior), which has sold hundreds of copies in Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile and Spain.
This book is a compendium of talks that summarize more than twenty years of inner search. It does not pretend to be, therefore, a formula or a method to be followed, nor does it promise a quick result in the reader. In this modern world, where searching runs into immediate exits, where the self-help manuals industry itself is another way of consumption, where we believe that –as well as buying a car- one can also buy spiritual awakening, the teachings of Anan suppose a true rupture.
“The name of the book ‘The Path of the Inner Warrior´ is meant to point out that the most important battle is happening inside us and we do not realize this; we are not aware of this fact and by not being aware of this battle, we project it out in the outer world creating pain and suffering in the environment that surrounds us. The subtitle “Stories of a sinner who knew silence” indicates that spiritual awakening is available to everyone regardless of religion, sex, social class, what you eat, or how you dress, since we are a spirit in a body, which is another fact that you can discover on your own when you travel to your inner world, and this book tries to support that journey inward, to the center of your heart “
A. Nodedt

Book presentations

All of his work is focused on providing tools so that people can discover their original face and fulfill themselves as human beings by liberating the potential they carry within.