Leiza Lau

She was born on March 28, 1982 in Chiapas, Mexico. Her Mexican father and her mother of Chinese origin, shaped in her a broad way of understanding reality. Fortunate to live in several different countries in America and Europe due to her father’s work, her childhood and adolescence were filled with travels and moves, which aroused in her a very deep inner call of search and understanding of both life and herself.

Without a clear reference point, it was not until her university years, while studying for a degree in Communication Sciences that, in a subject called Semiology of Everyday Life, she had her first jolt to her still scarce understanding of life, which forged the decisive desire to start working on herself to understand her emotions and heal the wounds of her past, which eventually led to an interest in human problems linked to our conditioning and emotions.

Once graduated, her desire to grow pushed her to challenge a social and labor structure that little nurtured her freedom and essence, so, against all family and social “shoulds”, she continued to open herself to travels and experiences of search and personal growth, being the most forceful one in 2012 with the process “The Path of the Inner Warrior” guided by her current partner, Anan Nodedt, and which she currently accompanies as a co-therapist making a journey to understand and integrate the stages of childhood and adolescence to adult consciousness.

After experiencing this transformation process, her restlessness led her to approach Anan and his project “Granja Kaypacha” (Kaypacha Farm), located in Tapalpa, Jalisco, where she now lives since 2013 and where both began to experience a deep friendship that turned into love, leading them to begin a new stage of life as a couple.

The years in Kaypacha led Leiza to actively participate in Anan’s workshops giving support, thus continuing with her personal and professional enrichment. Likewise, this change to a life in the countryside and in contact with nature led Leiza to begin a stage of self-exploration and self-study of her menstrual cycle, in order to deepen in a lively and active way in this portal of wisdom and self-knowledge that accompanies all women.

Since then, she has actively participated in very deep meditation, therapy and inner work groups guided by internationally renowned therapists. With Ma Prem Upchara and Ma Anand Aseema she lived the process “Women’s Liberation”, a group created by Osho to heal the wounds of the feminine unconscious and to understand and integrate the masculine into consciousness, becoming the organizer of this process for Mexico from 2017 to 2019. She participated in the “Power” group, guided by Upchara in Chile, a process designed to deeply understand all the unconscious mechanisms around power games, such as manipulation, guilt and judgments.

Since her arrival at Kaypacha, she has fully immersed in the experience of meditation, integrating it into her daily lifestyle, learning and practicing active meditations from master Osho, among others.

In 2015 she trained as a Yin-Yoga teacher with instructor Maria Abad and had her first approach to Amazonian shamanism with sacred plants by the hand of Mateo Italiano, in Peru, to understand in a deeper way her own inner healing and with which she continues to deepen now by the hand of her partner, Anan.

She experienced the “Satori” group, a Zen meditation process guided by the Canadian teacher and disciple of Osho, Chandrakala, a group that she considers gave her a true understanding of meditation.

Shortly after, she participated in the group “Tantra Training” guided by Homa and Mukto in Brazil, which allowed her to know that her work would always carry the line of Tantra, so soon after she traveled to Switzerland to participate in the group “Time for Femininity” to deepen in the understanding of female sexuality and femininity, guided by Diana Richardson, direct disciple of Osho and author of the best-selling book “Tantra: Love and Sex”.

Deeply moved by the theme of death, in 2022 she traveled to Miasto, Italy, to experience a deep immersion retreat “The Art of Dying”, guided by Ramateertha, a direct disciple of Osho.

Her desire to grow and deepen into herself is tireless. As she has healed and understood her inner world, she has gathered tools that meditation, tantra and these groups and trainings have given her.

From this inner integration, she has the firm conviction that women, above all things, have come to this Earth to embody love, and in a world that constantly separates us from this truth, she has created the experiential process “Lotus Heart”, a work space with women to deepen into the mystery and gifts of the female body, re-signifying themes around the female collective unconscious, our sexuality and our cyclicity, bringing awareness to the present moment and from there, exploring wounds and psycho-bodily blockages in a gentle and profound way. With her work, she supports women to connect with their body and emotions to heal and live life in a more loving, integrated and heart-connected way.

In her travels with Anan, Leiza also gives conferences for women, guides meditation groups, and gives individual breathing and tantra sessions for women and couples.

“The longing to be you requires that you allow yourself to surrender and be with what is. To let go of the constant struggle between your mind and your body and open up to the gift of being you at every moment, without changing anything at all. It is only in this surrender that you can embrace all that you are, and flourish. “-Leiza Lau


“El Grito Esencial” es un viaje psico-corporal que intenta reestablecer la energía vital dañada por la energía inconsciente que absorbemos desde la gestación y a lo largo de toda la infancia.  A veces por estar desinformados y otras veces por estar demasiado informados con datos proporcionados por los medios y sus intereses creados, en la […]
