Spiritual Counselling

(Face to face or Virtual session)

One hour session of spiritual counseling where the participant is supported to bring all his/her consciousness to the present moment to obtain clarity for the situation that needs to be addressed.

By doing this, the person discovers the link between his/her problem and his/her patterns of unconscious behavior, transforming any conflict into an opportunity for growth and inner expansion.

Request your session.

“Lotus Flower” session for Women

(Face to face)

A one-hour session where we create a space so that what is hidden in the unconscious is brought to the surface, bringing clarity to certain situations and internal conflicts. This session will give you the opportunity to re-connect with your essence and bring light to whatever needs to be manifested, without judgments and without expectations; thus, allowing the natural flow of our energy; bringing peace, relaxation and inner expansion.

Request your session.

Tantra for couples

(Face to face)

A one or two hour session to support the couple to create the context for taking meditation to the flow of the sexual energy through Tantra exercises. This will allow material that needs to be manifested to emerge and taken to the space of the heart so it can be shown to the other partner without reservations, without masks.
These sessions invite couples to break with the dynamics learned in their years of relationship and find their way to a more authentic and loving way, embracing the continuous mystery that the other is. (2 to 4 sessions are recommended).

Request your session.


“El Grito Esencial” es un viaje psico-corporal que intenta reestablecer la energía vital dañada por la energía inconsciente que absorbemos desde la gestación y a lo largo de toda la infancia.  A veces por estar desinformados y otras veces por estar demasiado informados con datos proporcionados por los medios y sus intereses creados, en la […]